dimanche 10 juin 2007

Oh my DEER! Ciel, un chevreuil sur l`autoroute

This week end, returning from Xinfa`s first BBQ at Maryse and Alain in Ottoburn Park, I was driving on the busiest highway (autoroute 20 as it is known in Québec). Suddenly, a huge “papa deer” suddenly showed up on the front of my car.

I suppose he was crossing the lanes to meet his girl friend located on the other side. Due to his sudden appearance, I hit him with the front (he could have rang the bell no?) of the car.

For a few seconds/minutes, until I could pull over and check if Xinfa was OK, I almost died of fear… I have been through civil wars, bullets, mortars, bombs you name it, but this was the worst moment of my life thinking that my daughter may have been seriously injured or was killed.

Luckily Xin Fa did not feel anything and was not injured (she was sleeping in her baby seat). As far as the deer is concerned, looking at the serious damages in front of the car and the door, I assume that he died on the spot. Sorry papa deer…

Deers have become a real nuisance in the past years in Québec... hence, if you are in Québec, beware of the deers!!!!!!!!

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