Peter, a long time friend from mummy (they met in Côte d`Ivoire some 13 years ago) as they were both on their way to join the World Food Programme (the food aid agency from the United Nations). It was a "friendship-coup-de-foudre" which still lasts after all these years...
Peter came directly from Rome to visit mum and I (and Ulysse, of course). He is the most incredible person mum had the chance to befriend. Peter is an engineer by training but has managed to do what he likes most; combine travel, telecommunications and his incredible energy and talent to the service of the most vulnerables in the world. You can visit his daily updated blog (see Peter`s blog on the right inside).
We had a great time. I entertained Peter in my play room. Wherever we went, Peter played with me! Even at the restaurant in Québec city (at the Lapin Sauté) he played "coloring" with me. In fact, on Saturday, we wanted to brag about our lovely Québec city so we took Peter there.
It was a windy day; Peter did not particularly enjoy the cold (although he did not say a thing - but body language speaks for itself if you look at the picture of us on the Dufferin Terrasse located in front of the famous Chateau Frontenac!!!). Mummy`s tropicalised body did not really enjoy the wind either. Blame it on her 15 years away from Canada and especially from her two years stint in ther DRCongo.
Mummy loves it when friends come and visit us in Canada as we are not into the "traveling mode" these days. Although I am now a landed immigrant, I am still a holder of a Chinese passport, thus it makes it hard for mummy and I to get out of Canada, I would need a visa and it takes time and efforts to obtain.
It will take probably over a year for me to get my canadian passport. That`s why as opposed to going to our dear friends, such as Peter and others who have visited us so far, we prefer hosting them in Québec...
Peter, I thank you for your visit, you made us laugh a lot alghouth you were a naughty uncle!!!
I was just upset that you did not allow me to taste the Proseco bottle you brought from Rome, maybe the next time?
I send you a big bisou du Québec,
Xin Fa
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