Where I am from, we, the Chinese, believe that "an unseen red thread joins those in this life who are destined to connect".
My mother traveled with CAST A 25 years ago, and she has established a long read thread with you. The strength nor the color have been altered by all these years.
This blog page is dedicated to you CAST A from Up With People. She is sad to miss the big 25th Reunion in Tucscon... however, I need her at home for the time being. Being a little girl who has just been adopted, I need to be reassured that I will not be abandoned once more... I am sure you will understand...
At the end of June, Tonton Dean from Michigan visited Mummy and I. Mummy was touched that Tonton Dean took time to visit us. And I, XIn Fa, could see that the thread had not been altered in any shape of form believe me (I have the proof of it as I heard them talking and laughing until the little wee hours)...
CAST A, have a great time in Tucscon. The long list of events is kick starting by a huge BBQ at Rochelle's place tonight. Mummy will try to connect and capture some of you through the MSN.
She hopes that you will all perform like "Aces" on Saturday night, like you used to do and kick some a... like uncle Mark would say!!! (I am looking forward to meet that one!!!)
I know that mummy is thinking of you and wishing she was there too... She also thanks Connie for keeping the Cast altogether and uncle Steve to manage the web site.
And do not forget, CAST A has a red thread that joins you in this life as you are connected by one year of incredible memories traveling, dancing, singing, doing community work for elderly people, handicapped accross the Southern States and Mexico. (Is mummy making it all up or this is really true?)
Lots of love, and do try to behave OK? :)
Charlotte-Xin Fa
P.S. Would someone tell me with my mum could not pronounce "I wash my Hair with Herbal" correctly?
4 commentaires:
Charlotte...you are now part of a very big and loving family and we are so happy to have you!! Someday we will tell you many funny stories about your mom and we will laugh and eat and dance and sing together. I can hardly wait!! Until I get to see you with my own eyes, grow big and strong!! Auntie Kathy Ruybal Cloninger...UWP Cast @ 1982.
Hello there, I did it! I found you. At times I am very dense with computer stuff :o)
Mo and I are really proud to be part of your family and for you two to be part of our family. It is an honor to be your Tía - Auntie and your Tío - Uncle. We can't wait to meet you in person! and give you a hug for you and your mom. In the mean time please hug each other very hard in our belhaf until we are able to deliver it person to person.
Charlotte Xin Fa and Marie France, we are very happy to be connected.
Sending you lots of hugs and much love,
Tía Gaby and Tío Mo!
Hi Marie France.
It was nice to see you on the computer, we wish it could have been in person, but there is always next time. It is only 5 years from now. You and your daughter both are looking beautiful. I can't wait until we can see each other again!!!
take care of yourself, and send a note when you have some time.
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