I am lucky, first because I have a great baby named Xin Fa-Charlotte, second, I have a wonderful family and third, because I have the best friends one can imagine!!!
My 25th Up With People reunion just ended last week end, although I was not physically present in Tucson, thanks to the video camera I was able to see many of you on the video - what a treat!!!
These are precious nuggets I have been receiving in the past few months on Xin Fa`s arrival into my life...
As you can see on the picture, Xin Fa is applauding all of you for being so kind to keep up with her mummy...
You write beautifully! Charlotte is clearly loving life in Canada and
you're obviously a great mum. Congratulations! Best regards, and big kiss to Charlotte
Mark Cutts, Genève
Chère Marie-France,
Tu as une énergie et un talent incroyables. Elle en aura de beaux souvenirs Xin Fa!
Michelle Gauthier, Rome
Chère Marie-France,
Tout simplement Bravo! Je suis vraiment touché par la beauté de Charlotte, et de l'amour dont sa mère la gâte! Mais attention, je crois qu'elle a 2 ans... Les "terrible twos"!! Mon Maxime a dit beaucoup de "non", et teste notre patience; mais ça fait parti du « learning process »!
A+ Marie-France, David Ivanovic, Montréal
Hej Bonjour Marie France et Charlotte,
Je vois que tu y prends goût à la vie familliale. Ici, tout roule mais
toujours trop de boulot.
Christian Ignasse, DRCongo
Hi Marie. I woke up this morning to see Cami's name in the subject line. We have not traveled yet so I'm super excited that you might have a picture of her. I looked at all the photos on Flickr and you captured such lovely moments from the trip! Your daughter is beautiful. Is that your older daughter in the photos as well? Lovely family! If you want to email any SWI photos to me, you can send them to s_mcinnis@roadrunne r.com I can't wait! Also, if you need help setting up a folder on this group, let me know.
Thanks again. Sherri
Bonjour Marie-France!
Ca ne m’avait jamais autant frappée, mais avec la photo du 17 juin que tu as mis sur ton blog (vous croyez que le travail me manque…) Mélyane et ta fille ont une ressemblance à s’y méprendre! Même mon chum l’a remarqué! Même petit sourire angélique, même regard franc, même bien-être qui transparait dans son visage… Je vais essayer de trouver une photo de Mélyane qui pourrait appuyer mes dires. En passant, à quelques mois de différence, elles iront peut-être à l’université ensemble. Hi! Hi!
Bye! Lise, Québec
I am sorry that I did not reply earlier, but I was away for a bit and am only now catching up with your new life. It really is a new life because you now belong to your daughter who will only release you, physically and spiritually, in twenty or thirty years, if ever. It should be a happy bondage however, and I am sure that you will be a devoted "mamman" as you guide her through the uncertainties and dangers of this life - and also though a lot of good stuff.
You really did it!!! It is still percolating through the fog of my consciousness. Yes, I knew that you wanted to adopt and that you had been thinking about it for a long time. My sneaking suspicion was that your active and peripatetic lifestyle trump your desires and your longing for a family of your own. After all, it is hard to save the world, live in dangerous places, flirt with disease, hot lead and goodness knows what else, with a sweet and completely dependent little girl looking for motherly care and love. But, you did it! XinFa-Charlotte has done well, and her guardian angel found her a mamma who will be all to her that she could hope for.
Terry Storms
Alberta, Canada
Hi Marie-France. I've just received such a wonderful picture show of you and your gorgeous little daughter. I'm so happy for you and what a lucky little girl she is. We all wish you all the very best. The Chinese photos were very interesting as we were there ourselves about 12 years ago and saw a group of Canadians in Shanghai with their newly adopted babies. It was lovely to see the bond between baby and doggie already. Much love Barbara.
P.S. How do you manage to look so young still?
BarbaraWills, England
Dear Marie France,
What a joy to get your email and all the photos of your most important journey. What a jolt though when you got back! Should we feel sorry for the deer? For me, I'm just glad nothing other than your car was damaged. (Other than your heart, too , I suppose) Now you can handle anything as a mother after that incident, huh? :-)
What a moving story and photos of all the events and sites in China and of the introduction to your friends and family back home. It was great that you were able to move the Baptism up to accommodate the God-Father! Your Brother looks so in love with his new niece in the photos! Who could blame him. She's beautiful and appears to be adjusting well. Hope you are too.
May you have many blessed moments as a mother and may Xinfa-Charlotte have a beautiful life. Marie-France, I wanted to inquire about your mother's health. She looks as bright and beautiful as ever in the photos. I hope it is an indication that she is completely well. Your dad too, looks great. Please give them and your brother and sister my best wishes.
Love, JJ – USA
It was so wonderful to see the pictures of you, your family and your beautiful XinFa. I looked at every single one! I am so happy for you and your new life as a mother. I know that you will make a fantastic and remarkable parent! Now that you are home in Canada once again, perhaps I can arrange a quick visit?
Much love to you my friend- Dean, Michigan
Dear Marie-France,
How sad I am that I did not find your announcement to our Cast in March...so sorry!!!!! BUT - HOW HAPPILY HAPPY I am for you and Charlotte! Oh, what a dream come true. And I did not know that she has a cousin to match! Congratulations to your entire family.
Thank you for your e-mails today, and for the chance to look through so many absolutely LOVE-FILLED pictures! I was going to say that it is an auspicious year to have children, for the Chinese, but then I read what you wrote - she was born a year ago in the year of the Dog, so it is an honor to "woof woof" welcome her to her grand life as a Dog! I share that good fortune with her!
I'll send a picture I took of my three favorite dogs in Vermont, whom I have pet-sat for many many weeks in the last 8 years. They say: WELCOME CHARLOTTE!
I was in Vermont in April and May and am sorry I didn't know you are in Quebec then, but maybe Reidar and I can see you in July or August! We will be in touch. Until then, know that we are sending you our blessings. Blessings to all your family, Dearest Marie-France...
Love, Meg , Norway
Hi Marie France,
I've been wondering how you are doing? Can't imagine how you had the time to put together such a wonderful website! Fantastic! Looks like you are both very happy and healthy! Can't wait to meet Charlotte.
Un abbraccio, Barbara and Nadia Cooney, Rome
Marie-France, your little girl is just beautiful. …And it great to see how happy and natural you look with her—along with the dog! What a great family.
Connie, USA
Oh Marie-France, Charlotte is just a beautiful little thing. According to the letter below you’ve been together for almost a month now – that is assuming you were able to pick her up as planned. I hope all is well and that you are both adapting quickly. I have just been mesmerized and terrified by your emails and the accounts I hear for Kim and the rest of the Nottinghams. I can honestly say that I can’t imagine what your life has been like since you left here. I’m so glad to hear that you moving back to Canada , although it sounds like it might be temporary. I hope you plans for Geneva work out as you wish. Someday we will see each other again. Hopefully sooner than later Much love to you and Charlotte. Send pictures if you have a chance.
Jennifer D. Buck, Colorado
HEY !!!! This is great news and I just had a blast looking at all the pictures on Flickr of your trip and journey back home. Life as a mother , or father …. It’s a BLAST … I have been stuck in the middle of the Stanley Cup for the past month so just coming up for some air Anyhow …. I’m SUPER happy for you and very proud of what you have done . Adding a few pixs of Finn , who graduates Kindergarten on the 12th ! .. one to grade 1 in September.
Mike Blake, San Diego
Ca fait longtemps que je pense a toi, la petite maman avec la mignonne petite fille. Silvia m’a raconte ton voyage en Chine…How is motherhood ? Tu es ou actuellement ? Canada ? Alors, c’est toi qui a changee de vie, donc quand tu auras un moment… entre changement des couches, écris moi.
Je viens au Canada en août, et je t’appellerai. Bisous a toi et au bébé. Envoie moi des photos. Smaro, Kinshasa
Hello and thank you from the bottom of my heart! I loved seeing all three photos. My husband and I laughed imagining that Cami (our adoptive daughter) was pushing all those babies around in their little walkers on wheels. Poor thing, she looks like a little boy! Can’t wait to put a dress on her. Your baby is a beauty! Please share some pictures of her at her new home when you are able. I’m getting soooo excited. I think we will be in the next group of LOA for special needs. And travel approval coming 2-4 weeks after that. My guess is that we will travel in early August to pick her up. I really hope that we can all keep in touch and maybe someday in the future meet somewhere and bring all our children together. Thank you again for the pictures. I will treasure them always.
Sherri McInnis, Phildelphia
Bonjour Marie-France et Charlotte,
Tout a l'air magnifique pour vous deux, tant mieux. J'espère que Charlotte a trouvé ses repères et qu'elle pourra grandir dans le bonheur.
Agnes et Yvan, Kinshasa
Subject: Your baby girl
Oh Marie-France. What a joy! I'm so happy for you and Charlotte.
Your photos and words are so dear. I love thatclose picture with your
dad on Father's Day. I send my very best to both of you.
We are on vacation on the the beautiful island of Kauai. What a
lovely place. My children love it. We saw a giant sea turtle
yesterday as we sea kayaked together. What a wonderful experience we
are having.
You will get to do such fun things with your girl!
Enjoy her each and everyday, I know you do!
Love, Tamra
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